I feel accomplished with this new stage, the site is better than ever, following the best recommendations in terms usability and performance. It is gratifying to see months of work going online although still lacking many adjustments...
In this update bring the concept of "Kaizen" for the development of the site and the games produced by me. Kaizen means "continuous improvement" or "change for the better" in the About page of the site explain a bit about this philosophy and if you want to find out more follow this link to Wikipedia
Among the features of this deployment are:
- SSL certificate - Makes the website secure.
- Website fully responsive - It adjusts to different devices and resolutions.
To validate the performance and usability have used two great tools, they are GTmetrix and Varvy
Comparison of the old website and current:
Varvy report shows that the website follows the Google standards for web.
The next steps
In future updates, users can register on the site, thus opening up a wide range of possibilities
- Login / Register users
- Access to online games - Manage characters, etc.
- Mini-forum for game - Each game will have your forum
- Classification system for games - For stars (ex .: 4/5 stars)
- Report Problems / Issue tracker - For game (Each game will have its issue tracker)
Those interested in following the development of the site, created a Trello Board and try to update it constantly.
To access the board just follow this link: https://trello.com/b/C7XWMxvH/weendie-games-website
That's all folks, hopefully I'll post more often!